I can smile when everyone cries,I had the strength to laugh even when inconsolable because I will never let another heart leave me bitter,I know that the harder path is better than easier,I believe if I tries enough.Perfection is only a touch of determination away though i had that unsatisfied hunger,Knowing I had the potential but I'm so weak to release it..
For me naiveness is just a humiliation,receiving sympathy and pity is a beneficial I never appear fragile nor abrasive,I always keep up the amiable smile!,So many rules I lived by...
I'm not that unemotional it's just sometimes I'm care less about things as funny as LOVE,It's not like consequences weren't obvious it's a picture I'll forever be blind =)),For me the easiest person to forgive is my self,simple I can smile and start over again.I does not let ugly words enter my skull.Insensitivity is my strength,My accomplishment give me felicity everyday I live by...♥
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